We can be seen as a fluid unfolding of an innate intelligence. It is the same intelligence that is guiding the sperm and egg, the same intelligence that created the membrane of the first cell, the intelligence that moves galaxies and iguanas. We inhabit a sea of intelligent life beckoning us to enter.
– Emilie Conrad
Embryology refers to the study of our earliest development in the womb as we come into form. Have you ever considered how you shaped your complex body from just one unicellular organism, known as a zygote?
The bio-intelligence guiding us then continues to be available to us. We can return to the fluid potential of the little embryo we once were.
In this 3-hour online class, inspired by images of embryo development, we engage in the breaths, sounding, and mindful movement of Continuum to dissolve patterns and habits developed over a lifetime and reclaim that original potential. We can emerge with increased flexibility, resilience, creativity and well-being.
If you are new to Continuum, please click here to read Cherionna’s short ebook What is Continuum before the class. Also recommended is watching a short introductory YouTube video with Continuum founder Emilie Conrad. If you haven’t already, please also view our introductory page on Continuum, including two videos.
WHEN: This 3-hour class presented via Zoom airs on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 2021: 4 – 7 p.m. UK time (11 a.m. – 2 p.m. East Coast, 8 – 11 a.m. Pacific, 17:00 – 20:00 CET).
You can check your local time by clicking on: Time Zone Converter
COST: The £35 cost is in GBP paid via PayPal. £25 early bird price available until September 28th is about $34 USD, $43 CAD, 29 euros.
This price includes lifetime access to the video recording that will be available on this course page after the event airs, as soon as it has finished processing.
To access the class, please make sure you have logged into this website, then click the Buy Now button for this course. If you don’t yet have an account with Resourcing Your Life, please create one here https://www.courses.resourcingyourlife.org/wp-login.php?action=register before trying to purchase the course. (If you accidentally purchase the course as a guest, you will not receive emails with the information you need to access the class.)
Once you have purchased the course, it will appear under My Courses when you log in to the website. Choose the course, scroll down to Curriculum where you can click on the Register for Zoom Meeting Here button below. This will lead you to a link to register with Zoom. Please do this right away in order to receive emails with the link to the meeting and reminders. You will not receive an email with this information until you have registered with Zoom. If you are not able to attend the class or want to review it after it airs, the video recording will also be under Curriculum once it has completed processing.
Please set up a mat, blanket, sheepskin, etc. for yourself before the webinar begins so you can be comfortable lying down for long periods of time and still see/hear the webinar.
Please try to log in to the class at least a few minutes before it starts to ensure you have access and we can begin on time together.
Course Features
- Lectures 3
- Quiz 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 30
- Certificate No
- Assessments Yes