
Return to Fluid Embryo Potential with Continuum


The mindful movement practice of Continuum enables us to return to fluid embryo potential as we use specific breaths, sounding and movement to melt tissues and dissolve years of patterning.

This 3-hour class offer an immersion into the deliciousness of our fluid potential.


SUNDAY, AUGUST 21st, 2022: 4 – 7 p.m. UK time (11 a.m. – 1 p.m. East Coast, 8 – 11 a.m. Pacific, 17:00 – 20:00 CET)

“The early embryo is manifesting its cosmic connection. This is a planetary creature resonant with a vastness that goes far beyond cultural filters that are soon enough imposed.”

-Emilie Conrad, Life on Land

We all began this life as a fluidic unicellular organism with an incredible potential to develop into a complex body, home to a complex being.

Our survival need to conform to the human culture we live in can impede our original watery resonance with Cosmos and planet. Our tissues densify as we increasingly orient to the over-stimulating demands of everyday life. We tend to lose touch with that amazing original potential.

The mindful movement practice of Continuum enables us to return to fluid embryo potential as we use specific breaths, sounding and movement to melt tissues and dissolve years of patterning.

This 3-hour class offer an immersion into the deliciousness of our fluid potential.

If you are new to Continuum, please click here to read Cherionna’s short ebook What is Continuum before the class. Also recommended is watching a short introductory YouTube video with Continuum founder Emilie Conrad. If you haven’t already, please also view our introductory page on Continuum, including two videos.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 21st, 2022: 4 – 7 p.m. UK time (11 a.m. – 1 p.m. East Coast, 8 – 11 a.m. Pacific, 17:00 – 20:00 CET)

You can check your local time by clicking on:  Time Zone Converter

COST: The £35 cost is in GBP paid via PayPal. £25 early bird price available until August 18th  is about $30 USD, $38 CAD, 29 euros.

This price includes lifetime access to the video recording that will be available on this course page after the event airs, as soon as it has finished processing.

Once you have purchased the course, it will appear under My Courses when you log in to the website. Choose the course, scroll down to where you can click on the Register for Zoom Meeting button below. This will lead you to a link to register with Zoom.
The video recording of the class will be in the same place once it has finished processing 1 -2 days after the event airs, in case you are unable to attend live or wish to review the class later.