We search this world for the great untying,
of what was wed to us at birth and gets undone at dying
Our earliest experiences before, during and after birth can profoundly affect how we live our lives and relate to others throughout life. Awareness and acknowledgement of this important time is often missing from our cultural views, which obscures our ability to heal and prevent further trauma.
This is an introductory course intended for anyone interested in this earliest time in life. For practitioners it offers a peek into potential sources of your clients’ issues, both physical and psychological, enhancing your ability to recognise and support healing of prenatal and birth trauma.
For those who are not practitioners, there is also the potential for greater understanding of how your early life may be impacting you and also how to support your own children, grandchildren and others, both born and yet to be born, in having a gentler entrance into life.
Teachings will be offered both visually through PowerPoint presentations and somatically through brief embodied explorations. The course includes activities for you to engage in between modules as a way to deepen your own learning. Those pursuing Continuing Professional Development credit will be expected to complete a short assignment demonstrating your learning and understanding.
If you are fascinated by how life begins, if you have a baby or have ever been one, this information will be relevant for you.
This short course can also provide an introductory preview into material covered in more depth in the full 6-seminar training for practitioners, Our Journey Here, starting in May. Please click here to learn more about the full training. This 3-week course is not a pre-requisite to the training but can give you a taste of what it will be about.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this 3-part series participants will be better able to:
- Describe the relationship between very early experience and relational tendencies, behavioural patterns and personality qualities
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of at least three major prenatal events and their effects
- Explain at least three potential birth traumas and their effects
- Describe how postpartum experience may affect bonding, attachment and health
- Demonstrate new insight into how their personal early experience may have been affecting their sense of self, relationships or life choices.
3 Sundays: January 17th, 24th 31st, 2021
5 – 6:30 p.m. UTC/GMT (12 noon – 1:30 p.m. East Coast, 9 – 10:30 a.m. Pacific Coast, 18:00 – 19:30 most European locations).
The £90 cost is in GBP paid via PayPal. £75 early bird price available until January 3rd is about $97 USD, $128 CAD, 82 euros.
To access the class, please make sure you have logged into this website, then click the Buy Now button for this course. If you don’t yet have an account with Resourcing Your Life, please create one here https://www.courses.resourcingyourlife.org/wp-login.php?action=register before trying to purchase the course. (If you accidentally purchase the course as a guest, you will not receive emails with the information you need to access the class.)
Once you have purchased the course, it will appear under My Courses when you log in to the website. Choose the course, scroll down to where you can click on the Register for Zoom Meeting Here Link button below. This will lead you to a link to register with Zoom. Please do this right away in order to receive emails with the link to the meeting and reminders. You may not receive an email with this information until you have registered with Zoom.
Please try to log in to the class at least a few minutes before it starts to ensure you have access and we can begin on time together.
Please note that some materials are available before the course begins. More may be added after you have registered. Please check back to this page to view any additional preparation materials you may have missed. It can be helpful to practice the meditations provided before the course begins. Once the course starts, more materials will be added to each module. There will also be useful announcements emailed to you from time to time. Some people have trouble receiving these emails. If you haven’t received any, we recommend checking the “announcements” tab below, as all announcements will also be posted there, visible only to those registered for the course.
Course Features
- Lectures 16
- Quiz 1
- Duration 4.5 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 43
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Yes