
The Breath of Life: Being with the Book


Six two-hour online classes once a month starting January, 2024.

The Breath of Life: An Introduction to Craniosacral Biodynamics takes the reader on an experiential journey into subtle fields of perception that can support Health and deeply settled, meditative presence. Although written as an introduction, numerous experienced practitioners have expressed appreciation for how the book helped them to clarify and understand Biodynamic concepts and to practice more effectively.

This course guides you through the book with the live support of the author and a group of curious participants. Each class presents information from a chapter in the book, including guided meditative explorations, and time for questions and discussion. More details below.


Online Course with Cherionna Menzam-Sills

Six two-hour classes once a month starting January, 2024.

Sundays, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. UK time
4 :30– 6:30 p.m. UK time (8:30 – 10:30 a.m. PT, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. ET; 17:30 – 19:30 Europe)
1. January 21st, 2024
2. February 18th
3. March 24th
4. April 28th
5. May 26th
6. June 23rd

“This book began as a seed planted by my husband, Franklyn Sills, pioneer in the field of Craniosacral Biodynamics. He felt there was a need for an introductory text on this beautiful practice. The seed was further watered by conversations with cranial students lamenting the lack of female authors in this field and excited by their experience of Continuum Movement, which I had introduced to them within the context of Biodynamic classes.”

-from the preface for The Breath of Life

The Breath of Life: An Introduction to Craniosacral Biodynamics takes the reader on an experiential journey into subtle fields of perception that can support Health and deeply settled, meditative presence. Although written as an introduction, numerous experienced practitioners have expressed appreciation for how the book helped them to clarify and understand Biodynamic concepts and to practice more effectively.

This course guides you through the book with the live support of the author and a group of curious participants. Each class presents information from a chapter in the book, including guided meditative explorations, and time for questions and discussion.

The course, like the book, is designed to be of interest and benefit to new and experienced Craniosacral practitioners, students, clients, and those who are just intrigued. No prior experience with Craniosacral therapy is required. We will not be practicing hands on techniques but will focus on guided meditations to enhance perceptual states involved in facilitating Biodynamic session work.

Craniosacral Biodynamics is an increasingly popular form of Craniosacral therapy, where we practice orienting to subtle “biodynamic” (universal) forces and their tidal rhythmic expression and energetic fields. Rather than trying to analyse and fix problematic patterns in the physical body, we aim to perceive deeper forces generating the aches, pains, and dysfunction, while supporting the ever-present Intelligence and Health that may be obscured by the problems. Our work occurs largely through perception, resonance, and settled, safe, relational presence.

“Again, I am reminded of the sacredness of our journey. I rest in gratitude for the opportunity to be able to practice and share this Biodynamic presence with another…

And so, you and I begin our Biodynamic journey together in this book. My intention is, as in session work, to guide you in your ability to rest into the support of universal forces, to orient to the profound and seemingly limitless intelligence of what we call the Breath of Life and its tidal expression as primary respiration.” p. 1

The format for the course is six 2-hour sessions. We will meet once a month to review, explore and discuss together a section of the book. Usually, we will cover one chapter each month.

Each class will involve a guided group settling meditation, a short presentation or talk relevant to the reading for that month, a guided experiential exploration related to the reading, and time for questions and discussion


Week 1:
  • Chapter 1 and 2 – Beginnings: Overview and Brief History of Craniosacral Biodynamics
  • Chapter 2 – Practicing Presence
Week 2:
  • Chapter 3 – The Space Between: Nurturing the Relational Field
Week 3:
  • Chapter 4 – Primary Respiration: An Introduction to Rhythms, Tides, and the Three Bodies
Week 4:
  • Chapter 5 – Honouring Intelligence – The Inherent Treatment Plan
Week 5:
  • Chapter 6 – Formative Forces: Accessing Original Embryological Potential
Week 6:
  • Chapter 7 – Past into Present: Introduction to Working with Trauma Arising in Biodynamic Sessions
  • Chapter 8 – Next Steps

Once you have purchased the course, it will appear under My Courses when you log in to the website. Choose the course, scroll down to where you can click on the Register for Zoom Meeting Here Link button below. This will lead you to a link to register with Zoom. Please do this right away in order to receive emails with the link to the meeting and reminders. You will not receive an email with this information until you have registered with Zoom.

Please try to log in to the class at least a few minutes before it starts to ensure you have access and we can begin on time together.

COST: The £155 cost is in GBP paid via PayPal. £135 early bird price available until JANUARY 7th  is about $168 USD, $230 CAD, 154 euros.

This price includes lifetime access to the video recordings of the teaching sessions that will be available on the course page after the event airs, as soon as it has finished processing. A certificate of attendance will also be available upon completion of the course.