This class aired SUNDAY, JULY 7th, 2024
“As embryos, we are primarily a membranous sac filled with fluid, reminiscent of the cell and its oceanic primordial mother. As seeded instructions become active, the interior water continues its adaptive sculpting…The early embryo is manifesting its cosmic connection. This is a planetary creature resonant with a vastness that goes far beyond cultural filters that are soon enough imposed”
– Emilie Conrad
Our fluid beginnings in the womb inform us throughout our lives. We are composted mostly of fluid. We are in-formed by a bio-intelligence much vaster than any of us as individuals.
In Craniosacral Biodynamics, we recognise this “Intelligence with a capital I” as guiding our formation, both as embryos and at every stage of our development. Expressed in its embodied form as “potency” this intelligence guides not only our original formation in the womb but also our protective reactions and healing as we interact with life and health.
Continuum and Biodynamics engage us in similar territories of perception and healing. Please join us for this 3-hour class if you would like to experience this in your own body. You can emerge feeling renewed, with a sense of enhanced fluid creativity.
If you are new to Continuum, please click here to read Cherionna’s short ebook What is Continuum before the class. Also recommended is watching a short introductory YouTube video with Continuum founder Emilie Conrad. If you haven’t already, please also view our introductory page on Continuum, including two videos.
COST: The £35 cost is in GBP paid via PayPal or by card via Stripe. £25 early bird price available until JULY 4th is about $31 USD, $42 CAD, 29 euros.
This price includes lifetime access to the video recording that will be available on the course page after the event airs, as soon as it has finished processing. To access the course page after purchasing the course, log into the website and choose the course from My Courses.