The first organ to come online in the embryo is the heart. In the third week after conception, the embryo changes its form dramatically, folding in on itself, developing for the first time an inner space to inhabit. In the process, the heart arrives in its central location and begins to beat.
The embryo heart is huge. We are heart-centered beings from the beginning. In the process of meeting conditions of our lives, we may learn to harden, shut down and protect our tender heart, but it continues beating the drum of life.
After years of teaching work I called Living From the Heart, I found my meeting with Emilie Conrad and Continuum shifted my ability to be in and live from my heart more than anything I had ever encountered.
This Continuum class is designed to support us in meeting, sensing, being with and more fully living from our hearts. We will learn a simple sequence of Continuum sounding, breaths and gentle, mindful movement to slow down, settle our over-active nervous system and mind, as we rest, soften and return to the love in our hearts.