Long ago, you began this life as a fluid unicellular organism. You intelligently shifted your shape over several months, developing the baby form of your current body. That fluid intelligence has continued to in-form your shape and function all this time. Life conditions and traumas have also had their influence. What if you could return to your original fluid potential? What if you could experience yourself creatively flowing and moving according to an original blueprint, prior to and beyond the various demands and pressures of your life?
The gentle breaths, sounding, subtle movement and mindful awareness of Continuum engage our tissues and our psyches in new and nurturing ways, slowing us down, helping us return to our original potential, like that of the embryo forming from a relatively simple body into a very complex one capable of creative functions.
This 3-hour online class is designed to support your natural process of renewal, with a potential for both deep rest and awakening.