
Embodying Embryology Continuum Exploration


In this 3-hour online class, inspired by images of embryo development, we engage in the breaths, sounding, and mindful movement of Continuum to dissolve patterns and habits developed over a lifetime and reclaim that original potential. We can emerge with increased flexibility, resilience, creativity and well-being.


Embryology refers to the study of our earliest development in the womb as we come into form. Have you ever considered how you shaped your complex body from just one unicellular organism, known as a zygote?

The bio-intelligence guiding us then continues to be available to us. We can return to the fluid potential of the little embryo we once were.

In this 3-hour online class, inspired by images of embryo development, we engage in the breaths, sounding, and mindful movement of Continuum to dissolve patterns and habits developed over a lifetime and reclaim that original potential. We can emerge with increased flexibility, resilience, creativity and well-being.